What does your child know about Cyber Safety?

Once upon a time, bullying may have occurred mainly in and around the schoolyard. But now it reaches into our homes via phones, emails and social networking. That can make it harder to deal with for both parents and kids. Your children are going to go online, and you can’t watch over them 24/7 forever. At some point children need to be able to make good decisions on their own.

Why are emotional wellbeing and cyber safety so important?

Handling difficult situations and emotional challenges is a key life skill. A secure and loving family and a positive learning environment supports children and teenagers to develop their own emotional coping skills.

Triple P’s Raising Resilient Children Seminar can help you support their emotional resilience, and looks at examples of the kinds of difficulties kids may encounter online. This can help your family prevent and/or manage the emotional impact of challenges in life.

What’s in the seminar?

The seminar is an hour and a half long (or an hour if it’s via live video). But you’ll learn a lot about how to teach kids to manage their emotions; bounce back from disappointments; express strong feelings in a healthy way; manage stress; and maintain a positive, problem-solving approach to life.

You’ll also:

  • Learn more about emotional resilience and safety online and how children may be involved (for example, as a victim or bystander)
  • Be given an example scenario of a parent whose child experiences difficulties online, and reflect on how you’d manage this situation
  • Learn about parenting strategies to help develop resilience, especially in regard to online safety
  • Be offered Tip Sheet(s) on Raising Resilient Children, Bullying, Screen time, and Internet Safety
  • Find out where to get more information and help with cyber safety

The seminars are FREE, thanks to Queensland Government funding and many are also being offered as live videos so you can join one from your lounge room.

Parents, carers, grandparents all welcome – register now!
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